A public high school teacher in Brooklyn told me recently about a student who didn't believe that a restaurant tab for four people could come to more than $500.
That's a long, long way from a $500 restaurant tab.
Yvon tries to pay a restaurant tab with the forged notes, but the waiter recognizes them as counterfeit.
And covers an awful lot of restaurant tabs, bar bills, co-op maintenance payments and private school tuitions.
Detectives found nine credit cards among Gaines's belongings, as well as a receipt for a $952 restaurant tab.
He often picked up restaurant tabs for friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, and left generous tips.
Instead, I found myself enlisted as her personal chef, expected to cook all the meals, pay for the groceries and pick up the restaurant tabs.
And with the pay of senior executives rising rapidly, they can afford to pay New York rents, restaurant tabs and private-school tuitions.
We have expenses such as salaries, housing, restaurant tabs, publicity, and utilities.
Robert Clifford, the district attorney's spokesman, said Mr. Hollander disguised those contributions as restaurant tabs then sought reimbursement for them through his expense account.