Chalk up that feat to the quiet, tree-lined street on which the restaurant sits.
The restaurant sits on a lovely little harbor, and everything - everything - is local.
Wayne's restaurant, Lil' Dizzy's, was sitting in a few feet of water.
A restaurant would be sitting empty only a block from one where waiters had to work at a trot to keep up with the masses.
The new building is much larger (approximately half the size of the entire lot upon which the earlier restaurant sat), and is often filled to capacity.
The beautiful restaurant sat along the west bank of the river in an older part of town.
Many restaurants, bars, and clubs sit on the waterfront.
This pan-Caribbean restaurant sits on the edge of the garment district.
The marinas, beaches, hotels and restaurants along the bay sit comfortably close together without being crowded.
The restaurant he'd chosen was only a short drive away and sat on one of the wooded hills that overlooked the Potomac.