The restaurant moved several times since then and for the last 10 years has been at 29 East 61st Street.
The restaurant moved to 2820 10th Avenue North in 1963.
A few months later, after a fire, the restaurant moved several blocks away into a landmark building that had been a hotel.
In 2001, the restaurant moved to Rijswijk and changed its name.
His restaurant has moved far beyond those roots, of course.
You can also sit at a table, of course, which has gotten easier since the restaurant moved a few years ago into a larger space.
Within a few years, the restaurant moved to a larger building in Savannah's historic district.
Mr. Way bought it for $400 when the restaurant moved.
The restaurant has been enlarged and moved to the new second floor.
After the restaurant moved to other premises in 1923, the family took over the house again.