Charity slipped away to collect the rest of her belongings.
Michael then returns home to pack up the rest of the family's belongings.
Six months later, he said, the rest of their belongings were returned to them, boxed and shipped by Iranian friends.
Grabbing clothing and the rest of his personal belongings, he stuffed them into an overnight bag.
By the laws of her land, she was property-and should have been sent back with the rest of his belongings.
Then he turned back to unpacking the rest of his belongings into a cabinet.
He took the rest of Fitzroy's belongings and put them in another envelope.
I expect his notes went into the university archives, and the rest of his belongings would have been sold off.
Photographs and other souvenirs their son had collected never reached home with the rest of his belongings.
He started to set the Harp down beside the rest of his belongings, then paused.