The regulations establish strict operating, maintenance, upgrading and financial responsibility requirements for commercial petroleum tanks.
Connecticut, along with most states, created a state Clean-up Fund to satisfy the financial responsibility requirements.
Small businesses with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees are exempt from the employer shared responsibility requirements.
Senator Hagan successfully fought for a provision to exempt small family farms from the employer shared responsibility requirements.
The goals of the workshop were to provide an overview of financial responsibility requirements for GS projects and to encourage information sharing on implementation options and issues.
Some states, such as Wisconsin, have more flexible "proof of financial responsibility" requirements.
This early financial responsibility requirement only required vehicle owners to prove financial responsibility after their first accident.
Firms employing 50 or more people but not offering health insurance will also pay a shared responsibility requirement if the government has had to subsidize an employee's health care.
Members are exempted from the individual responsibility requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
The financial responsibility requirements mandate the equivalent of pollution clean-up insurance.