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Firstly, we must help the future Member States prepare to fully assume all the responsibilities arising from accession. Secondly, we must make sure the Commission fulfils all its obligations from the very first day of accession.
Where possible, prudent rules on coexistence should be established, and the companies receiving authorisation should be made to bear the responsibilities and costs arising from introducing GMOs.
I will conclude by saying that this is part of the new responsibility arising out of the Treaty of Lisbon and I think this time, we are beginning to assume the responsibilities of Parliament effectively and we will do the same with the next file being worked on, soon to arrive in this Chamber.
A responsibility arising not from a single or chance act but, rather, from a consistent pattern of behaviour, observed over a long period and inherent in the very objectives which the Commission has made its own.
Through its constitutional responsibility arising from article I, section 8, to raise and support armies and to provide and maintain a Navy, the committee has a responsibility to ensure that the military can meet its future missions, as well as today's operational requirements.
The vast majority of restitution claims against German insurance companies had been settled in various compensation agreements, Mrs. Hoffmann said, notably a 1953 law by which the former West Germany assumed responsibilities arising from the Third Reich.