She decided their question, and the reaction her response provoked, proved Joe's assertion that history had been changed.
Alun's response, aggressively inventive to the edge of viciousness, provokes mixed feelings in us, and these feelings are shared by his companions.
This response provoked Hall to write another reply: A Defence of the Humble Remonstrance, against the Frivolous and false Expectations of Smectymnuus.
If the result is controversial, it will provoke a response, that response will provoke others, and the result will be an explosion of ideas and debate.
He feared that his unpremeditated response would provoke his charge-father's anger; instead, the old man placed a mittened hand on his shoulder.
The Moroccan response to the demonstrations of 2005 was very aggressive, and provoked international reactions.
Even this response provoked a small localised split by the so-called Appeal Group which was in many respects a pre-cursor of the 1977 split which formed the New Communist Party.
Their response provokes the crew to insubordination.
Her response provoked an anxious laugh from him, and then he sheepishly made his approach.
It is a mischievous tactic, as his subjects' responses unfailingly provoke.