The neural response measure depends on the part of the nervous system under study.
Both "rating scale" and "free response" measures are used in contemporary clinical practice, with a trend toward the former.
However, patients with either the t(9;22) or the t(4;11) are considered high risk, regardless of early response measures.
Early response measures have been shown to be prognostically significant in patients with Ph+ ALL.
The initial response was inadequate and didn't match the planned outlined response measures to be taken in a spill.
Delays in international reporting and weak response measures contributed to the spread of the virus across Southeast Asia.
In 1981, Bower discovered that positive contrast may be reduced because the response measure hits a ceiling.
"The situation for Russia will change radically and as a response measure, we would have to introduce our own currency, do something about the army," he said.
Our second response measure was the maximum amplitude of a response within 20 seconds of stimulation.
In view of that, an international reply and joint European preventive and response measures will be required.