She declined to respond to his more recent actions, and a default judgment was entered in his favor for $2 million.
But more significantly, he said, the government lends tacit acceptance to those who attack the Shiites by not responding to their actions.
Zinta was the only witness who did not become hostile to the prosecution; the nation responded positively to her actions.
Given what they might have done, the aliens had responded minimally to the Enterprise's actions.
The fact that the biosphere responds unpredictably to our actions is not an argument for inaction.
But mortgage rates have not responded to the Fed's actions.
I think it's fair to say that we want to respond proactively to their actions as well.
The world made sense and seemed to respond appropriately to his actions.
Toys should be given to infants that respond to a child's actions to help foster their investigative instincts.
Simulated worlds allow players to play around the world and should respond realistically to player's actions.