"Not nearly as much as you think," Anna responded politely.
The man appeared surprised by the new president's statement , even as he responded politely with a bow of his head.
Then, he politely responded - off the record - and kept on going without holding a grudge.
"The water would come in, I suppose," she responded politely.
He had tried to respond to her provocation politely, with this result.
His "You get used to it" sounded almost friendly, though he looked like he didn't know why he'd responded politely.
He responds politely to questions, but objects to the premise of most.
It was news to her, but she politely responded that she's "just trying to make my own success."
I compliment you on your service," Savage responded politely and switched off.
I assure you, ma'am, Patrick politely responded, that my family did indeed sleep for years.