The Marine responded instinctively and squeezed off two 9mm rounds.
They're more like animals than people; they seem to respond instinctively, and then only to basic stimuli.
"I think everyone responds instinctively to Lennon's marvelous understanding of the absurd."
The body responded instinctively to motion, so this had to be discounted.
It was as if the shattered thing responded instinctively to his touch.
She was the sort of singer, he realized, who responded instinctively to an audience.
It is very intimate and I feel that people are more open to responding instinctively.
In her memoir, she says, "An actress' best friend is a body which responds instinctively to thought."
Women would respond to it instinctively, he thought.
'31 All classes instinctively responded to Edward's democratic love for his fellow beings.