Letters: While the terms of the respective legal systems differ, the substance of the tests is broadly the same.
It must be specified whether the body is to be considered a public or private law entity within the respective national legal systems.
Its meaning in American English connotes human physical sports and their respective systems of training.
Voters in both counties were pleased with their respective systems, in a proprietary kind of way.
It was created in 1996 by merging the respective systems of the county and city.
Herbert and Straight (1986) base the reasoning for this difference on the respective social systems of each group.
Each version was built from the ground up for its respective system.
Gene Regulation can be summarized by the response of the respective system:
Our respective immune systems needed a great deal of tinkering before we stopped rejecting each other.
Their respective legal systems, while separate, were remarkably similar and evolved to become more so over time.