As their respective powers were so balanced, none of the three remaining aristocratic families felt they could feasibly gain an upper hand over the others.
She was the Daughters' mentor and taught them how to control their respective powers.
The crisis soon developed into open disagreement between government and king over their respective powers.
Each gem is a small, smooth oval, and known by their respective powers.
Although not really referencing to their respective comic powers.
Since gaining independence from their respective colonial powers, both nations have had a strong relationship, partially due to their historic religious similarities.
They formed coalitions not to forge consociational negotiation between segments but to improve their parties' respective power.
The characters are analyzed with their respective powers, strengths, and weaknesses, to determine a winner.
We want the institutional rules and respective powers to be observed.
'Without prejudice to their respective powers and responsibilities in order to cope with international disequilibria.'