Unless the two sides agree their respective patent portfolios are close in value, or there is some other business consideration, one side usually pays.
The following table shows cabinet members, who held the office of ministers of their respective portfolio except when denoted otherwise.
The Minister-President, the minister of state for their respective portfolio and the two sections of the order are eligible to nominate new members.
Cabinet members hold the office of Ministers of their respective portfolio, except denoted otherwise.
Philippines through its digital entertainment division ePLDT, merging their respective portfolios of successful online games.
Each autonomous community then establishes its respective portfolio of services, which includes at least the service portfolio of the National Health System.
They've all received a vote of no confidence from the professions within their respective portfolios.
The Premier and the members of the Government were jointly responsible for decisions passed by the Government and were responsible for their respective portfolios.
Cabinet members hold the office of Ministers of their respective portfolio, except where this is specified otherwise.
These two individuals will report directly to me for their respective portfolios.