Each of the sections features rides, games, food, and other attractions that follow the theme of that section's respective holiday.
The music that plays over the loud speakers in each section is also themed to that section's respective holiday; guests will often notice the music change as they enter a different section.
The young Shelley and Medwin met during their respective holidays and took part in typical pursuits of the times which in their case included fishing and hunting.
This year, for example, I got my Mom (and Dad) glass spheres from a weekend festival for their respective parental holidays.
The following morning photographs of both Samantha and Laura topless on their respective holidays appeared in all the papers.
The children were asked to tell about the customs of their respective holidays.
The show has created new versions of the song titled "Thanksgiving Cooks" and "Hanukkah Jews" to go along with their respective holidays.
Mothers, fathers, and grandparents receive free admission to the zoo on their respective holidays.
But after fighting the Heartless and Oogie Boogie, who has been resurrected by Maleficent, Santa explains to Jack that they each have a job to do with their respective holidays.
What better way, as Christians and Jews, to commemorate our respective holidays?