The followers of the respective gods would struggle to outdo one another, to prove that their respective philosophies were superior.
They turned and fled, believing that Casca's roaring body was some sort of bad omen from their respective gods.
(c. 1258 BC) Its 18 articles call for peace between Egypt and Hatti and then proceeds to maintain that their respective gods also demand peace.
He expected he would find priests there, brothers of both host orders, praying to their respective gods, fighting to bring Deneir and Oghma back to this library.
At both Mt. Nantai-san and Mt. Nyotai-san are small shrines devoted to their respective gods.
He was an exceptionally superstitious man, and he no doubt shared the view, popular among professional soldiers, that all religious cults should be respected, to appease their respective gods.
Its eighteen articles call for peace between Egypt and Hatti and then proceed to maintain that their respective gods also demand peace.
The shape of the altars are made in such a manner so that the respective gods can rest there comfortably.
They're as fervent about that as the holiest of men about their own respective gods.
As Saturn and Cronus were their cultures' respective gods of the harvest, Satullo proposed that they be known as "The Harvesters of Sorrow".