Prussia and Austria took over the respective administration of Schleswig and Holstein under the Gastein Convention of 14 August 1865.
These two variations have been used under their respective administrations for the ROC petition to join the United Nations.
The terms of each treaty specified that Italy was to steer clear of any interference in the sultanates' respective administrations.
Collectively, these hall councils plan social and educational events, and voice student needs to their respective administration.
At regional and communal level further eGovernment strategies have been put in place within the framework of competencies of the respective administrations.
Kaunda's administration later attempted to serve the role of a mediator between the entrenched colonial governments and the various guerilla movements which were aimed at overthrowing these respective administrations.
Outwardly it's business as usual, but behind the locked and barred doors of their respective administrations, the policies governing their operations come directly from a single unknown voice.
Despite these changes, all fifteen councils confirmed their respective political administrations.
Both Acacia Cemetery and Mokom Sholom Cemetery are well maintained by their respective administrations and professional ground crews.
This is the Lab/Lib/Con economic model as demonstrated by the BoE under respective administrations.