He was a respected practitioner of the tea ceremony, gatherings that served as artistic and literary salons in Momoyama Kyoto.
His progress to fame was slow but he eventually became the city's most respected medical practitioner.
He is one of the most respected practitioners of his trade.
Richard Lehun's legal focus is intellectual property, and he gathered practical legal experience while having worked with Léger Robic Richard, Montréal's respected practitioners in the field.
Sir William Osler, one of the most respected medical practitioners of the early 20th century, recommended it as the best means to reduce pain in lumbago.
Dr. O'Malley, a respected general practitioner and longtime member of the community, is missing.
We were eager to meet a respected practitioner of alternative medicine who goes by Woody, a bit like meeting a poststructuralist literary critic named Rusty.
Installation art is perhaps the hottest genre right now and one of its most respected practitioners is Ilya Kabokov.
The Commission investigated Mrs. S.E. Patterson and Dr. Henry Slade, both widely respected practitioners of slate writing.
The cellist was a respected practitioner of the French school of string playing and an active concert and recording artist.