You have three times the income you can spend, a respected position, and work of your own choosing.
An additional force of 25,000 men was given respected positions in Mughal Army.
Many of these people are in even more respected positions now, eight years after the poet's disappearance.
But back in my own world - A well-paying job, a respected position in the community, a fat bank account.
He had a respected position in the colony, teaching Governor Hunter about the indigenous people.
By 1773, he would take over charge of the ensemble and hold the respected position for eight more years.
You have a beautiful wife, a lovely home, a respected position at the college and in the community.
Some of them had earned a respected position in the society because of their social work.
A good thing, too - we now have the respected position of the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Painting still holds a respected position in contemporary art.