It has since grown into a respected organization among practitioners, developers, and researchers of computer operating systems more generally.
Surfrider, a respected national organization, works hard to protect surf spots, beaches, water quality and access.
If you can demonstrate that respected organisations suggest you make the changes, and your competitors have also acted, this can be a powerful motivator.
Here's a test: call your organization (pretending to be from some respected organization), describe a business development opportunity and ask who can help.
Toyota demonstrates that problems can strike even the most established, respected organisations.
It partners up with many other respected organizations to provide a community with access to healthcare, cultural understanding, and economic aid.
Scouting is a respected organization in Ecuador and has been declared an "institution useful for the public welfare" by the government.
Prentiss McCabe is a much more powerful and respected organisation than in the radio series.
We all have great confidence in what Ban-Ki-loon and his widely respected organization has to say on this subject.
"I have here in my hand a report by the Wildlife Foundation, a respected international environmental organization."