Then, in the following few weeks, she achieved some very respectable scores, except in Week 7.
New Zealand were all out for 256, a respectable score, but less than they would have wanted on what was a good batting pitch.
He shot 39 on the front nine but kept grinding away on the back and was able to come in with a respectable score.
One can make a respectable score, say the experts.
Perhaps not, and it might be that the good third period and respectable final score created an illusion.
Mississippi kept the final score respectable by sinking 20 of 27 free throws to offset poor shooting from the field.
He scored 59 off just 55 balls which took Pakistan to a respectable score of 288.
He went on to capture the two-day event with a respectable score of 8,331 points.
Resser, who had become Duncan's friend and rival, also achieved a respectable score.
A respectable score at most family game nights runs into the 200-point ballpark.