Graves scored his ninth goal, a respectable figure, on Monday.
But it is a respectable figure by any standard and especially impressive because the Japanese have no tradition of foreign aid.
It has been steadily rising, and has got up to a very respectable figure now.
In the days of covered pitches that was a very respectable figure.
It sold more than 8,000 copies, which, in Sweden, is a highly respectable figure for a book of its nature.
Sales volume reached about 400 units, a respectable figure at the time especially considering the firm was making virtually all the parts itself.
"Now, if you will have the great goodness to open that door very quietly, we will soon make him cut a much more respectable figure."
Despite this, the show still gains respectable viewing figures.
There's not much chance that his stolid, utterly respectable figure could lead a defeated right.
As musicals go, this is a respectable, if not a remarkable, figure.