Private schools have proven to be efficient in resource utilization.
Once created these cities will become living examples of sustainable development, which demonstrate optimal resource utilization.
However, the problems faced by the long-term care community are many and were complicated even before the resource utilization group reimbursement system began in 1986.
This system was introduced on 23 March 1995 to introduce efficiency and improve resource utilisation.
However, the high level of resource utilization has the potential to sustain inflation pressures.
Today, it is becoming increasingly popular to analyze the environmental impacts of natural resource utilization, especially for energy usage.
Low resource utilization - you can still watch movies or play games while cracking in the background.
First, the economy is showing signs that it may be nearing full resource utilization.
This bill strikes the right balance between resource utilization, environmental conservation and economic development.
"But the extent to which strong growth and high resource utilization have been joined with low inflation over an extended period is nevertheless extraordinary."