Foreign Policy has called this "the gravest natural resource shortage you've never heard of."
But the oil scare was temporary, just like all previous scares about resource shortages.
In the mid-21st century, massive overpopulation and consumption caused irreversible resource shortages over most of the planet.
The only reason humans suffer and experience resource shortages today is because we use such insane ways to apportion our resources.
Light patterns associated with winter (probable resource shortage)
So I worry about overcapacity and deflation more than resource shortages and rising wages.
Medical consultants have traditionally taken it as their right and responsibility to speak out when any resource shortage lowered standards of patient care.
In 2006 the Statewide HelpLine received 24,938 calls, opened 11,268 cases, but could not assist 10,115 callers because of resource shortages.
Even just a few other ships could have helped with resource shortages and defense against local hostiles.
We have managed our resource shortages by reducing our staffing levels and underfunding critical investments.