Better to take as much time as possible, to gather what few resources remained to him before facing his adversary.
Few resources or time slots remain for women's sports.
With the government under severe financial pressure, there has been a move to target what resources remain at the very poorest families.
The Herald's resources remained stagnant and profit margins declined in the mid-1990's.
Thereafter, few other financial resources remained for the Empire, which contributed to their decline and final downfall in 1453.
If placed in a finalizer, the resources may remain in use for long periods of time after the program is finished with them.
His roots are here and he can't have the resources to remain on the run.
However, to ensure that human resources remain here, Europe must focus on the following aspect: making researchers attractive offers, proposals which they cannot refuse.
She and her husband and the dog might now have sufficient resources to remain in hiding for years.
No resource remained then but to appeal to the nation.