The problem here is the exact same problem that we discussed with cooperative multi-tasking: one resource hog can ruin things for everyone else.
It also was a freaking resource hog for an update mechanism, but pretty much all apple software on windows is.
Some people considered this new kind of editor to be a potential resource hog, but others, including Bill Joy were impressed.
Find Fast installs automatically with Office and can be a resource hog as well!
Get rid of Norton (it's a huge resource hog) and install Microsoft Security Essentials.
Firebug is a well known resource hog which was listed on the aforelinked slow add ons page.
Never really like Java, nothing personal, just seems like a resource hog, along the lines of Flash.
These products, known as "push" technologies, began falling out of favor because they tended to be resource hogs and to deposit overwhelming amounts of information on computer hard drives.
Full locally installed antivirus applications are notorious resource hogs, but cloud antivirus clients require only a small amount processing power.
Sound was a resource hog: while sounds played, the rest of the PC's functions froze.