These represent the resources expended, except for inventory purchases, in generating the revenue for the period.
Microsoft would have been better off saving the resources expended on ARM and putting them towards making windows that much better on X86.
I will not see the resources of this planet expended merely to hasten the destruction of the Empire!
KMS was official formed on 1 January 1989 by combining Geodætisk Institut, Søkortarkivet and Matrikeldirektoratet, in an effort to strengthen mapping in Denmark and resources expended.
In the community service, clients with more needs had more resources expended on them, whereas, in the traditional hospital based service resources were uncorrelated with the extent of needs.
The inefficiency of filing maintenance and storage systems can prove to be costly in terms of wasted space and resources expended searching for records.
Improvement of health care quality and safety must be the goal of all health interventions so that we can assure optimal outcomes for the resources expended.
It leaves ruin in its wake, resources expended for naught, lives taken and given in vain.
The breakup fee is ostensibly to compensate the original acquirer for the cost of the time and resources expended in negotiating the original agreement.
The conclusion in terms of costs is that, if women were treated in the same way as men, the resources expended on women would increase by 61%.