The hanky in the title is a resonant image of the coincidental nature of any historical moment.
Insightfully, he added that the resonant images of Katrina's destruction "will challenge what we see tonight."
Otherwise forgettable movies can imprint a montage of resonant images.
In 1917 the fine arts administration recruited him to go out to the front and paint resonant images of the war.
The answers are never simple, and the complexity is often captured by resonant images.
Again, this is a resonant image, like some wistful sorority ritual.
The idyllic landscape, the nuanced narrative, the resonant image is absent in Basil's poetry.
Yet the most arresting and resonant image in the show is also the quietest one.
He creates a minor but knowing joke and a resonant image in a story about hustlers on the road.
Its most resonant image is of old men in hats, carrying crying infants in their arms.