They were close enough to see Selene, but not to resolve details.
Further research has demonstrated these eyes not only resolve spatial details of the world, but also perceive motion.
It is these impacts of diffraction that limit the ability to resolve fine details.
Here is a telling measure of a speaker's transparency and its ability to resolve detail at every dynamic level.
The ability of an imaging system to resolve detail is ultimately limited by diffraction.
Such a telescope will of necessity be large, to collect enough light to resolve and analyze small details on the planet's surface.
By capturing it, we might hope to resolve sub-millimetre details of the solar surface!
Increasing the resolution does little good if the lens can't resolve enough detail to take advantage of the extra pixels.
Warriors have enhanced senses, especially vision, enabling them to resolve detail at a distance impossible for a human.
On very few worlds was Voyager able to resolve details as small as a kilometer across.