In response, a special electoral tribunal responsible for ratifying the results and resolving challenges ordered a partial recount of about 12,000 polling places.
Volunteers collaborate with community members to resolve fundamental challenges surrounding micro-enterprises in the developing world by implementing practical business solutions that improve the greater community.
Effective cancer vaccines must resolve several challenges.
Its paramount elements are reducing the debt, shrinking the county work force by 1,200 employees and curbing tax refunds by resolving tax-assessment challenges quickly.
In upholding the electioneering-communication provision "against a facial challenge in the 2003 decision," the justices said, "we did not purport to resolve future as-applied challenges."
More than any other generation of Americans, yours is tasked with resolving challenges that lie far beyond your doorstep - even far beyond America's borders.
The foci on filling gaps unaddressed by traditional basic discovery research and resolving specific regulatory challenges are uniquely FDA.
The Board resolves objections and challenges to secret ballot elections.
But no one has an incentive to be the first to settle with Andersen before the firm resolves other challenges, even if that dooms the firm.
"The important thing for all of us to remember now is that a process for resolving the discrepancies and challenges to the election is in motion," he said.