The resolution welcomed such families' efforts "to affirm the Jewish identification of their children."
The resolution again welcomed the accession of King Norodom Sihanouk, who played an important role in the peace process.
The resolution welcomed the progress of negotiations and the prospect of progress in the near future towards a settlement.
The resolution welcomed the normalisation of diplomatic relations between Chad and Sudan.
In one sense I am almost amused that the resolution welcomes its creation nine years on.
This resolution welcomes a Council Directive that turns an agreement between social partners into legislation.
The resolution that Parliament adopted in early December was a timely and strongly welcomed initiative.
This resolution basically welcomes what the negotiators have been doing so far, without placing any specific demands on the Commission for further clarifications or assessments.
The resolution takes into account and welcomes the progress made by this country, especially in the economic sector.
The resolution welcomed negotiations between the Palipehutu and Burundian government, facilitated by South Africa.