Although the Cyprus conflict now lasts for a long time, its resolution does not seem to be close.
But a resolution of the spending bills seems far off.
The resolution did not seem to herald any change in the relationship of distrust and suspicion between the two countries.
But if your resolution always seems to cool after a few days, you might be a good candidate for a solar water heater.
But in a district where polarization is becoming stronger, no resolution seems near.
This resolution seemed to him all the more certainly right because he had the deepest misgivings about that journey.
By the time the end comes, the resolution seems like an afterthought.
The meal over he sat for a long time in deep meditation, then a sudden resolution seemed to possess him.
Any real resolution of the war seems impossibly far away.
This resolution before us today seems to me to be rather more long-winded and ambiguous than previous ones.