Dormant companies that do not want to appoint auditors are now able to use the written resolution procedure (p 95).
Interference resolution procedures before, during and after band reconfiguration.
Today, the two most important of these are laying an instrument subject to affirmative and negative resolution procedure.
Affirmative resolution procedure requires the Houses to act.
Most courts require this informal resolution procedure before a party files a demurrer.
However in order to exploit this the resolution procedure needs to treat these 2 singularities differently, even though they are locally the same.
An order under subsection (1) is subject to negative resolution procedure.
If I decided to act in that way, any regulation to amend the scheme would be subject to the affirmative resolution procedure.
I am sorry that, on a subject which is so important for the future of European citizens, we have to be content with a resolution procedure.
The more common form of control is the 'negative resolution procedure'.