Residents pushed Belleville's council to pass a resolution opposing the project.
Public opinion, he predicted, will compel many Republicans to support a resolution opposing the troop increase.
It could pass resolutions opposing the war effort over Republican opposition, as Democrats have proposed to do.
Delegates at the annual convention of the nation's largest teachers' union today approved a resolution opposing standardized national tests for students.
One resolution would oppose Judge Thomas's nomination, saying it "presents a clear and present danger to women's rights."
So was another resolution opposing the tables entirely.
The day before, the Senate proved unable to agree on a plan to even begin debate on a bipartisan resolution opposing the administration strategy.
However, some people are taking advantage of the situation to insert a provision in this resolution opposing the subsidies paid to tobacco growers.
The Town Board voted 4 to 1 on Tuesday night to adopt a resolution opposing the project.
The first House vote on the issue was on a non-binding resolution opposing medical marijuana that passed by a 311-94 margin in 1998.