For some reason the man in the middle, who is sitting down, resolutely holds an axe in one hand and a knife in the other.
Bryce was slipping away and Culver resolutely held on to him.
Finally, when the man ahead stepped forward, Jantiff resolutely held his ground, despite the fat man's breathing and jostling.
And he held resolutely on his course.
The fighting continued at intervals until nightfall, but our men held resolutely to the positions gained at the cost of so much blood and toil.
He held onto it resolutely, the numbers fairly searing his retinas.
She resolutely held that such students could be taught how to effectively write.
Eyes misted but tears held back resolutely, Julia watched her grandmother.
Agassi pounced on Stich's serve and resolutely held his own.
It was happening again, that sense of resolutely holding her own head under water.