The defenders fought resolutely.
Even when Sebadoh did work up to loud, fast rock, it resolutely fought any prospect of charisma, taking its time between songs and damping any cumulative excitement.
For some time, these Confederate troops fought resolutely and brought the Union assault to a standstill.
He fought resolutely now against tile picture which memory kept presenting of Nimue ivory pale in the night, of that slumberous, beguiling voice.
To avoid any misunderstanding, let me say that I am most definitely in favour of resolutely fighting Fascists and right-wing extremists wherever they appear, politically speaking, and whenever they use force.
Mr President, in light of the seriousness of the terrorist attack of 11 September, there are several important questions to be discussed and clarified, relating to our intention to resolutely fight terrorism.
We are in favour of resolutely fighting terrorism, because terrorism is an obstacle to the peaceful coexistence of peoples.
We must resolutely fight his disastrous policy, including for the Israeli people themselves.
There is a broad-based political movement that is resolutely fighting to create a new South Africa - something which none of us who for many years worked in the antiapartheid movement dared even to dream about.
Only by fighting resolutely as infantrymen, manning the machine guns on the perimeter and occupying foxholes as riflemen, were the battalion troops able to repel the North Korean attack.