Her resistance unit formed a plan to free her, but she refused, fearing reprisals on children.
Much about this one is "Matrix"-like, including the premise of a resistance unit fighting an evil military elite that has taken over humanity.
Because the road toward the Americans was blocked by local resistance units, von Pückler-Burghauß ordered the establishment of defensive lines.
In Italy he associated with an Italian resistance unit.
Tsontos organized resistance units in Western Macedonia and encouraged the enlistment of new volunteers.
The "System" involves two bikes, attached to a couple of turbo trainers where the resistance units have been replaced with dynamos.
Instead, the army "undertook a number of isolated actions designed to keep the resistance units on the move and to drive them back to their bases outside Nicaragua."
During the war, numerous Polish resistance units operated in the area of Świdnik, with the most important Home Army.
She established a camp for Russian prisoners of war who had escaped, and helped organize a Jewish resistance unit.
He did much work in organizing the resistance units and recruiting nationalist figures.