Official inertia and resistance to change have at times seemed to spring from a sense of hopelessness.
Initially, however, in at least some parts of the city, resistance seemed to be limited.
A boy's resistance to his mom seemed to start at about the age of five-so young!
For starters, the Notch's resistance to her seemed to have broken.
I took ten more paces, and a certain resistance seemed to arise.
As he approached the doorway, the resistance seemed to increase, as if some force was trying to keep him out.
But Barbara's resistance to the personal seemed to come from a very different source, perhaps linked to the protection that is also in her work.
The resistance of the Ekhonide crew seemed to be collapsing.
Nothing was changed and their resistance seemed to be useless.
No resistance to the Holy Fire this time - and that seemed to please it a great deal.