Fierce resistance did not prevent the utter destruction of the state apparatus of Dzurdzuketia however.
At 13:00, the battalion assaulted and captured the bridge intact, but German resistance prevented them from proceeding any further.
This resistance does not prevent dunes from quickly covering the plants in their path.
Eugène finally began a combined arms attack and only heroic resistance by Stutterheim's masses, who lost over 700 men, prevented a breakthrough.
Lawrence's chief worry had been that the resistance of the dust would prevent the concertina from opening, but the screws were easily overcoming the pressure.
Its high resistance prevents significant current flow.
The battalion reached and safely crossed the westernmost branch, but heavy German resistance prevented them from securing the main part of the town.
The additional resistance prevents the computer from reading the faint pulses from the transmission speed sensors.
However, local resistance to further freeway construction in Oakland prevented the extension.
However, fierce resistance did not prevent the utter destruction of the state apparatus of Dzurdzuketia.