This law was written to justify removing white missionaries who were helping the Native Americans resist removal.
Board members vowed to resist removal.
On the walls, where the original plaster resisted removal, it was left alone, creating layers that look as if they grew over one another like scales.
Even a slight smudge shows up as a purplish-green eyesore that seems to resist removal with a tissue.
If allowed to cool until the next heating season, the creosote hardens to form a glassy layer that resists removal.
During 1833, only Black Bob's band of Shawnee resisted removal.
The government first attempted to use the law against illegal street vendors who violently resisted removal by the police.
Democrats will easily find 34 loyalist votes in the Senate to resist removal in the spring.
Bree had come in, unnoticed in the scrum, and had resisted removal by the Major.
Such inks use dyes that chemically bond with the paper's Cellulose, and which therefore resist removal by solvents.