She encouraged women to resist oppression by their families and by the government.
These stories are of people who have resisted oppression and fought against violence to create a more humane world.
"We unconditionally support Palestinians' human right to resist occupation and oppression by any means necessary," it goes on to say.
It makes you aware of how much power there exists within yourself, not only to resist oppression, but also to oppress others.
Do not be revengeful but stand up for your right and resist oppression.
It is, rather, a soft sell on resisting oppression.
So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression.
Resist oppression, lighten the burden of the underdog, spread understanding and reason.
It should use all means to strengthen civil society and assist those who resist oppression in Burma.
He resisted white oppression of an especially malignant kind.