The "Red Atlantic" is a relatively new term that refers to seafarers as proletarians and revolutionaries who historically resisted exploitation at sea and forged a new multicultural and polyglot Atlantic working-class.
As depicted by Mr. Burns, immigrants were brave souls who crossed an ocean only to become "hapless employees" unable to resist "nightmarish" exploitation in "brutal, dehumanizing" garment factories.
Organize tribal communities to resist exploitation, assert their rights and control their natural resources.
There is always the danger that the producers will go in for soap opera elements, but in the early sample, they seem to be resisting exploitation or condescension.
Over the past 50 years, countries like India resisted foreign exploitation, while countries that started at a similar economic level - like Taiwan and South Korea - accepted sweatshops as the price of development.
The Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) training course trains all USAF aircrew basic survival skills, combat evasion, and techniques to resist exploitation if captured.
If citizens are properly instructed of their rights, they could, to a great exetent, resist exploitation.
Despite this many women rappers have found ways to contest and resist the objectification and exploitation of women in hip hop culture.
It is baffled in "Rocking Back and Forth," a caustic inquiry by Gunter Grass into the nature of theater itself and into the fragile power of a clown's art to resist exploitation.
As a result, the predecessors of today's various ant hunters gradually, and quite independently, converged on the body plan most suited to exploit a food resource that violently resists exploitation.