Ms. Ferraro asked today about the 1984 campaign, when she and her husband, John A. Zaccaro, resisted disclosing tax data after her nomination as the Democratic candidate for Vice President.
David E. Kendall, Mr. Clinton's lawyer, has already suggested that the library foundation would resist disclosing the list.
The reputation and political aspirations of the Finance Minister, Kiichi Miyazawa, have been tarnished because he tried to resist disclosing information about his involvement and then changed his story gradually and grudgingly.
Officials said many companies had long resisted disclosing security flaws to the government out of fear of leaks.
Mr. Vengrin, the deputy inspector general, said that in New York City, the only other city where those receiving the AIDS money have been audited, the recipients of the money did not resist disclosing their files.
But she said she would resist disclosing "the evidence developed in our investigation, our investigative strategies, the different views expressed within the department concerning the many legal and investigative issues we have been considering" and other sensitive matters.
The woman also resisted disclosing the identity of her current partner.
There are only two possibilities: Either publish all the names in the register, or make a thick line, resist disclosing them.
A year earlier, health officials had for the first time released hospital death rates but resisted disclosing surgeon data.
Mr. Eichenwald's memo on Romenesko raised another serious ethical question: Had Times editors resisted disclosing in the Reporter's Essay the tactics used in reporting the original article?