And if anything is clear, it is that China no longer resists becoming emotional.
We are told little or nothing about Chris's background and what may have enabled him to resist becoming an addict.
The Celay resisted becoming the slaves their ancestors had been, and paid for this resistance with many lives.
The clinical teacher should be part of the ward team, but must resist becoming an extra pair of hands.
I ask him if he resisted becoming a virtual teacher.
All women in every generation resist becoming their mothers.
Even though we can get to the other side of the world in less than a day, there are still places that resist becoming everyday.
He could only hope to resist becoming a monster, too.
"The way I'll do it, not a single one of them will be able to resist becoming a donor."
Dorian at first resisted becoming a mother to Cassie, but eventually she accepted the girl into her home.