The story was reportedly picked up by a large number of bloggers and Cortell resigned from his post at the University.
Not only was he forced to resign from his position at the University of Oklahoma, he was also asked to leave the town.
In 1919 she resigned from her position at the University of Rome, as her educational work was increasingly absorbing all her time and interest.
In March 1564 Naboth resigned from his position at the University of Cologne.
He resigned from his position at the University of Natal in 1977 and took up lay preaching and missionary work.
On January 31, 2005, Churchill resigned as chairman of the Ethnic Studies department at the University of Colorado.
Scott resigned from his coaching duties at the University of Richmond on August 23, 2011 after being charged with driving while intoxicated.
A few days after accepting the position, Rick Majerus resigns as head men's basketball coach at the University of Southern California.
Unable to stand and barely able to walk, he resigned from his job as a mathematics professor at the University of Illinois.
Shortly after taking this position, he also resigned his professorship at the University of Louisville.