The area has seen massive population growth with a lot of new residential and commercial projects being completed in the last 6-8 years.
Three large residential projects were to be completed in the downtown by 2007, at a total cost of more than $100 million.
In the 80's it shifted to residential and commercial projects.
More than $2.3 billion in commercial, public and residential projects are under way or planned.
Construction on a $190 million office and residential project was to begin in summer 2012.
During this time he was working on residential projects and a number of churches.
This feature is showing up in a growing number of residential projects.
"But until recently, nobody was building residential projects, especially large ones, or for the broader economic group of people moving to the area."
But the company's record on its residential projects is less impressive.
At present, 10 residential projects are under way, in addition to several office buildings.