Lay people can visit the chapel, and some do, particularly if they are seeing some of the resident nuns.
Sherap Choling, in Spiti, has 45 resident nuns who have begun a rigorous course of study, the first of its kind for women of that region.
Although the monastery was well maintained for many decades, after the number of resident nuns and finances dwindled, the chapel deteriorated and was vacated in summer of 2009.
The convent is run by resident nuns of the Catholic diocese of Hyderabad.
Many of the Western Vedanta societies have resident monks, and several centers have resident nuns.
Other religious institutions include the Convent of the Capuchinas, which is still functions as a convent, where one can buy cookies made by the resident nuns.
Occasionally, visitors wishing to be blessed are wrapped in chains by the resident nuns, who intone the requisite prayers.
Yukariko is the resident nun of the Fuka Academy Church, and along with Father Joseph Greer she gives counsel to students seeking advice.
Dhammadharini opened its doors in August 2005, with room for three resident nuns.
It's not open to the public, except for Mass on Sunday morning, but if you ring the bell and ask the resident nuns nicely they'll probably let you in.