Police experts say that the city's officers and residents expect one another to withstand a little verbal abuse.
We need these funds for education, parks, recreation and all the services our residents expect.
A big reason the cuts didn't approach the revolutionary levels some residents were expecting is Connecticut's economy, which has still not come back to life.
"The businesses and residents expect to have the final design in by the start of the fiscal year '97."
Still, residents should not expect to see members of this company patrolling their community's streets any time soon.
He cautioned, however, that residents should not expect too much, too soon.
One thing is clear: the residents of Basra expect improvements - and soon.
But she is careful to add that residents should not expect a change to happen quickly.
According to the mayor, the residents of the city can expect a property tax increase of 2.9% this year.
But even as the time limits expire, residents expect very little turnover.