In response, residents erect barricades and establish Free Derry.
Elsewhere, residents and city workers have erected berms and runoff channels, planted foliage and cleared away brush.
In 1981, Japanese residents of Anchorage erected a marker at the site of their interment.
In 1988, the residents of Almunecar erected a statue in his honor.
The residents of Sea Gate, a neighboring working-class private community, have erected chain-link barbed-wire barricades around its 800 homes.
In those days, it was a custom that, after misfortunes and battles, the residents erect a mosque as a symbol of their gratitude to God.
In addition, residents still erect Yarangas along the coast in the summer.
Following the attack, in which eight high school students were killed, the residents of Jabel Mukaber erected a mourners' tent for him.
Some residents have erected fencing right to the edge of the road, narrowing the driving space even more.
Local residents have erected signposts labelling the river as the "Black Drain" since the 1990s.