About 100 residents crowded into a Village Board meeting last month to demand that the tree tower be taken down.
Then, every year, residents crowd onto porches, for parties and barbecues, sunbathing and naps.
Each adapts to its environment-" But now the residents were crowding around.
Last month, more than 300 local residents crowded a church basement for a sometimes heated meeting with the developer, the Blumenfeld Development Group.
After lying low for three days, residents crowded into the streets to examine flattened cars, smashed-in doorways and other debris of the operation.
The Haven's residents crowded through the door, and Boroskov lunged out of their path.
The poorer residents crowd into dilapidated downtown areas or sprawling slums, many without running water or basic services.
Many more future residents of this new slum were crowding around, desirous to move in.
"Local residents have crowded into public hearings with Federal officials to oppose the project," Mayor Lombardo said.
Fireworks are fired from one of the beaches, and residents crowd the water in their electric-powered or paddled boats to watch.